I am not very good in expressing myself, but this i wrote merely as my dedication. For you.
Once, you are a stranger. Then you became a best friend. Now the stranger brings me a meaning into my life.
For we’ve seen the most beautiful ruin, wishing to travel the definite to the infinite, and we talk a lot. This has been wonderful for us. Isnt that right?
For we’ve seen the most beautiful ruin, wishing to travel the definite to the infinite, and we talk a lot. This has been wonderful for us. Isnt that right?
Ternyata setelah lama tidak menulis, perbendaharaan kata saya secara disadari tidaklah kian berkembang, maka maaf untuk kemunculannya berbaris kalimat yang seharusnya berada di tempat ke-123, menjadi bergeser ke ordinat ke-124. Untuk penyampaian rasa yang monoton, yang tidak seindah "Roman Ketiga", yang...............Jadi, bacalah saja dengan hati, untuk jejaka pembawa pesan dalam botol, kelak kamu tau ukuran senyum yang saya sunggingkan ketika menulis materi ini, bahkan dalam detail milimeter :)
And yes, Albert Einstein has his own theory of relativities. But i also have my own theory of happiness : when you put your arms around me, i'm home!
*thank you for these 123 days that have been passed. I took the good time, and i'll take the bad time :)